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Bramshall Traffic Calming – Consultation Letter, Scheme Map and Response Slip

The Parish Council would like to inform residents of the following letter from Staffordshire County Council.

Built Communities, 2 Staffordshire Place Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH

Proposed Road Safety Improvements – Bramshall Road/Stone Road, Bramshall

Our Ref: CDL4262/01

Dear Sir or Madam,

As part of its ongoing review of the safety of the highway network, Staffordshire County Council (working in partnership with Amey) are proposing to provide road safety improvements along Bramshall Road/Stone Road, between Ivinson Way and the Railway Crossing

These improvements are proposed following S106 monies being secured from new developments within the village and DHP prioritisation from the County Councillor.

The proposals comprise of: 
Speed limit reduction on the approaches to the village from 60 mph to 40 mph.
Improved gateway markings at the village entry. 
Installation of two buildout traffic calming features to create a priority system for traffic in the village.

The anticipated start date for the scheme is late autumn 2018 and works will last for approximately 4 weeks. This will follow the required Traffic Regulation Order, TRO, process.

Please see the attached drawing (D6665T/R00/04 – C0) for details of the scheme.

We are undertaking a Traffic Regulation Order, TRO, consultation in order to obtain the necessary support to progress the scheme further. If appropriate, could you forward your support and any comments in writing to the above address by 17th August 2018. If no response is received by this date then support for the scheme will be assumed.

Please use the response slip below, to contact Staffordshire County Council.

Bramshall Traffic Calming CDT6625-R00-04 – P0 – Consultation Drawing

Bramshall Traffic Calming Consultation letter

Bramshall Traffic Calming response slip