NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY – (Local elections Parishes and Communities 1986)
Mr Andy O’Brien, Returning Officer, East Staffordshire Borough Council has advised Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council that they may co-opt a member onto the Parish Council.
Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council meets 10 times per year, normally in either Stramshall or Bramshall venues, but currently meeting via Zoom, due to the lockdown measures.
The Parish Council normally has 9 Councillors, but currently 8, hence one vacancy.
The Parish Council is the first tier of local government and has a number of powers and duties, for a full list, please read the Good Councillor Guide, see details below.
If you read the minutes on our website, you will see that the Councillors are involved in a number of projects and would welcome any resident, who qualifies, (see criteria below), to join them to ensure that the parish council can fully serve the residents of the parish.
The legal criteria is set out below:
The Council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to service provided they are a British Citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the notice, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.
Provided the person also satisfies at least one of the following they may apply.
1. They are registered as a local government elector for the parish
2. they have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner/tenant any land or premises within the Parish
3. their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been within the parish
4. they have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it
5. they must also be 18yrs or older on the day they apply.
NB: The applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.
Please be aware that access to the internet/computer and skills in email, Word and excel are essential to carry out the duties of Councillor.
Please visit the Council website, to view the minutes of meetings to get an idea of what the council projects currently are, also familiarise yourself with the policies, plus note the dates of the meetings, as attendance is a requirement.
It is suggested that you also read the “Good Councillor guide”, located in the documents/regulations and policies area of the website, before applying for the role. https://uttoxeterruralparishcouncil.org.uk/parish-council/documents
The Parish Council main website is https://uttoxeterruralparishcouncil.org.uk/
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please apply to the Clerk by email urpcparishclerk@gmail.com on or before the 02.10.2020.
In the first instance could you provide your name, address, time lived at the address, and a brief outline of your vision for the community of parish and how you could contribute to the parish council.
Candidates will be invited to meet the Councillors in the meeting 6th October 2020 via Zoom, for an informal chat with the Councillors with a view to co-option at that meeting.
Mrs VRE Gibson. Parish Clerk. urpcparishclerk@gmail.com Date: 23.09.2020