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Iron Man – Road Closures in June 2018

Staffordshire County Council have provided the following notice and link to view all road closures for the Iron Man event

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Staffordshire County Council made an Order on 29 May 2018 the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle, horse riders or cyclists from proceeding along the roads which form part of the Cycling and Running element of the event as listed in schedule 1, or waiting, loading or unloading in the lengths of roads as listed in Schedule 2 unless the vehicle is being used in connection with the event; or being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes. Vehicular access to frontages will be maintained along with pedestrian access. Notice is hereby also given that as part of this Order it will be necessary to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in Market Square in Stafford from outside F Hinds for approximately 50 metres in a southerly direction unless the vehicle is being used in connection with the event or requires access to premises only accessible through Market Square. Pedestrian access will be maintained. The restrictions are necessary to ensure the safety of event participants and road users.

The roads are viewable at and timings for which the Order will be in effect are anticipated to be

Schedule 1 – Sunday 10th June 2018 between 08:30hrs to 17:30hrs

Schedule 2 – Sunday 10th June 2018 between 08:30hrs to 17:30hrs