Photo montage of villages


Click on a folder heading to view the contents. The first section on “Policy” contains an extract from the East Staffordshire Borough Council Local Plan, links to previous Parish Plans and information about a future Neighbourhood Plan.

Uttoxeter Rural Parish Council receives notification of planning applications from East Staffordshire Borough Council. They are set out in area of the parish groups. If you would like to see the full details of the application, please visit the East Staffordshire Borough Council website and add the planning application reference/number to the search box on their planning enquiry page.

Subsequent folders have details of recent planning applications for each main area of the Uttoxeter Rural parish. Older applications prior to January 2016 are listed in this document: Older Planning Applications.

  • Local Plan

    East Staffordshire Borough Council adopted the East Staffordshire Local Plan at Full Council on Thursday 15th October 2015.

    Local Plan Review

    The Local Plan was reviewed at an Extraordinary Council meeting on 19th October 2020. This review was undertaken in line with policy SP6 of the Local Plan and Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2017 as amended.

    The recommendation that the update to the Local Plan, be delayed for a maximum of 5 years, was agreed. As such the adopted Local Plan remains in use, and forms part of the Development Plan for East Staffordshire.

    All details can be found on the ESBC web pages.

    STRATEGIC POLICY 2: Settlement Hierarchy

    Development will be directed towards the most sustainable locations in accordance with the following settlement hierarchy:

    Main Towns

    Burton upon Trent and Uttoxeter

    Tier 1: Strategic Villages

    Tutbury, Barton under Needwood, Rolleston on Dove and Rocester

    Tier 2: Local Service Villages

    Abbots Bromley, Yoxall, Marchington, Mayfield, Denstone and Draycott in the Clay.

    Tier 3: Small Villages and other settlements

    Including Bramshall, Stramshall, Church Leigh, Hanbury, Ellastone, Newborough, Kingstone, Anslow, Rangemore, Tatenhill, Stubwood, Stanton, Lower Leigh, Withington, Wootton and all other settlements not included in Tiers 1 and 2 above.

    New development should be concentrated within the settlement boundary of the Main Towns, Strategic Villages, Local Service Villages and Rural Industrial Estates, as shown on the policies maps.

    Tier 3 Small Villages and other settlements (without settlement boundaries) and employment areas without boundaries are treated as open countryside where development will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances as set out in NP1 and Strategic Policies 8, 14, 15, 18, 20 and 21.

    Parish Plans

    A Parish Plan for Bramshall Village was created in 2008 and can be viewed here. A Parish Plan for Stramshall Village was created in 2006 and can be viewed here.

    Neighbourhood Plan

    The Parish Council has no plans to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.

    App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2024/01234 Land off Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Bramshall -Erection of a detached stable block Pending
    P/2024/00562 Yew Tree Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Uttoxeter, ST14 5BJ -Erection of a detached annexe building Permits
    P/2024/01059 Roycroft Farm, Bennetts Lane, Bramshall, Uttoxeter, ST14 5BN -Erection of a side extension to existing building to form fridge and plant store, installation of refrigeration motors and erection of retaining wall with fence Pending
    P/2023/01394 Olympic House, Bramshall Industrial Estate, Bramshall, Uttoxeter, ST14 8TD -Retention of existing Portabin as staff room  Permits
    P/2023/01059 Roycroft Farm, Bennetts Lane, Bramshall, Uttoxeter, ST14 5BN – Erection of a side extension to existing building to form fridge and plant store, installation of refrigeration motors and erection of retaining wall with fence Pending
    P/2023/01297 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH -Conversion and alterations of Class E Farm Shop to form a single dwelling PERMITS
    P/2023/01091 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH -Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2023/01090 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH -Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural building to form two dwellings GIVEN
    P/2023/01089 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH -Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2023/00668 Sweet Meadow Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ -Demolition of exisitng dwelling/barn and erection of a replacement dwellinghouse – AMENDED PLANS PERMITS
    P/2023/00831 The Green Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Change of use from agricultural land to garden land PERMITS
    P/2023/00811 Thorney Hollow Cottage Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH – Erection of a detached building to provide ancillary living accommodation PERMITS
    P/2023/00314 Bramble Barn Dagdale Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Change of use of agricultural land to form garden area and erection of a detached 3 bay garage PERMITS
    P/2022/01044 Former Stables Dagdale Lane Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5BJ – Retention of revised scheme for conversion and alterations of existing stables to form single dwelling including solar panels, amended drainage scheme and associated ground works along with the retention of new access gates, lighting and security camera installations, heat pump and garden shed/log store PERMITS
    P/2022/01431 The Green, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ – Erection of a single storey side extension PERMITS
    P/2022/01366 Sweet Meadow Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Conversion and alterations to existing building to form a single dwelling house PERMITS
    P/2022/01081 3 Church Lane Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5BQ  – Erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension including first floor balcony PERMITS
    P/2022/01027 Dale End Barn Dagdale Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Erection of a detached garage and workshop PERMITS
    P/2022/00881 Strawberry Garden Centre Bramshall Road Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5BE – Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued use of a steel framed building as part of Strawberry Garden Centre Pending
    P/2022/00551 Rodway Bennetts Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BN – Demolition of the attached garage and utility/wc to facilitate the erection of a single storey rear extension, rear dormer and detached double garage (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) PERMITS
    P/2022/00563 10 Church Croft Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DE – Erection of a single storey rear extension PERMITS
    P/2022/00739 Unit 1 Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8TD – Demolition of existing building to facilitate the erection of a building to form 3 units covering Use Classes E (Commercial, Business & Service), B2 (General Industry) & B8 (Storage & Distribution) PERMITS
    P/2022/00355 The Former Robin Hood Leigh Lane Bramshall ST14 5BH – Outline application for the erection of a replacement dwelling with all matters reserved PERMITS
    P/2022/00460 Dagdale Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ – Retention of a stable block, a domestic outbuilding and use of land as domestic garden (REVISED SCHEME) PERMITS
    P/2022/00551 Rodway Bennetts Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BN – Demolition of the attached garage and utility/wc to facilitate the erection of a single storey rear extension, rear dormer and detached double garage Pending
    P/2022/00167 Long Leys Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations to existing outbuilding to form boat storage PERMITS
    P/2022/00393 42 Kiddlestitch Road Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5FQ – Conversion of existing integral garage to form additional living accommodation PERMITS
    P/2022/00029 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall ST14 8SH – Erection of a replacement detached dwelling, detached carport, kennels and plant room and installation of sewage treatment plant PERMITS
    P/2022/00037 The Former Robin Hood Leigh Lane Bramshall ST14 5BH – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with all matters reserved REFUSES
    P/2021/01688 Dagdale Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ – Retention of a stable block, a domestic outbuilding and use of land as domestic garden PERMITS
    P/2021/01631 Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 8SH – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of extensions to existing manufacturing unit without complying with Conditions 2 and 7 relating to amendment to approved drawings by way of alterations to parking layout to accommodate new roller shutter position, rear projection omitted, internal ramp and 6 additional rooflights, surplus fire escape omitted and use of insulated panels in lieu of vertical cladding PERMITS
    P/2021/01428 Nine Fields Farm Stone Road Bramshall ST14 8SH – Demolition of existing dilapidated building and erection of 2 linked livestock buildings PERMITS
    P/2021/00785 Holtfield House Stone Road Bramshall ST14 5BG – Retention of a replacement septic tank PERMITS
    P/2021/01354 15 Overcroft Bramshall ST14 5NQ – Conversion of existing garage to form a ceramics studio for domestic use PERMITS
    P/2021/01052 West Lodge Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BG – Erection of a detached 4 bay garage PERMITS
    P/2021/00793 Spring Farm Stone Road Bramshall ST14 8SH – Conversion and alterations of agricultural building to form annexe and erection of a replacement building for domestic garage, home office and stables including change of use of land to part of domestic curtilage PERMITS
    P/2021/00900 Former Stable at Dagdale Lane Dagdale Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5BJ – Conversion and alterations of existing stables to form dwelling (Revised Scheme) APPROVED
    P/2021/00772 Railway Crossing House Stone Road Bramshall ST14 8SH – Erection of a single storey rear extension PERMITS
    P/2021/00713 The Former Robin Hood Leigh Lane Bramshall ST14 5BH – Outline application for the erection of two dwellings with all matters reserved REFUSES
    P/2021/00379 Unit 19 Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8TD – Retention of a detached industrial unit for storage & distribution (Class B8) PERMITS
    P/2021/00302 Bramshall Boarding Kennels Oak Tree Farm Stone Road Bramshall ST14 5FP – Erection of a detached building to form dog kennels (Revised scheme) PERMITS
    P/2021/00227 19 Leigh Lane Bramshall ST14 5DN – Erection of first floor and single storey side extensions and render to all external walls PERMITS
    P/2021/00160 No. 3 Holding Stone Road Bramshall ST14 8SH- Removal of 22m of hedgerow and 16m of hedgerow COSENT GIVEN
    P/2020/01421 The Oaklands Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ- Demolition of existing detached annex and erection of a single storey side and part single part two storey rear extension PERMITS
    P/2020/01423 The Oaklands Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ- Listed Building application for the erection of a single storey side and part single storey part two storey rear extension and internal works to include removal of two windows and installation of double doors PERMITS
    P/2020/01388 Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall ST14 8SH – Erection of extensions to existing manufacturing unit PERMITS
    P/2020/01103 15 Verney Close Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5NJ- Erection of a conservatory to the rear elevation PERMITS
    P/2020/00869 Application for Additional Environmental Approval in relation to P/2017/00527 for the erection of a single storey side extension to existing shop Roycroft Farm, Bennetts Lane, Bramshall, ST14 5BGP PERMITS
    P/2020/00740 Brooklands Church Lane Bramshall ST14 5BQ – Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the retention of the two storey rear extension as built LAWFUL
    P/2020/00680 The Oaks Stone Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 8SH- Erection of a single storey link porch and side extension to existing garage to form annex PERMITS
    P/2020/00037 Springfield Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ – Erection of a detached garage PERMITS
    P/2019/00543 Brookhouse Farm Dagdale lane Dagdale Staffordshire-Conversion of two redundant former agricultural buildings into six dwellings including car ports and associated car parking PERMITS
    P/2019/00977 adj to Dagdale Dagdale Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5BJ- Conversion and alteration to existing stables to form dwelling including demolition of existing shed and erection of a single storey side extension PERMITS
    P/2019/00375 Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane Dagdale, Bramshall ST14 5BJ – Conversion and alterations of an existing agricultural building to form dwelling including an extension to provide a garage PERMITS
    P/2018/01338 The Robin Hood Leigh Lane Bramshall ST14 5BH – Change of use of Public House to form 3 no. dwelling houses (to include repair and re-instatement of building following fire) – 6th June 2020 -the application is subject to APPEAL -ref APP/B3410/W/ 20/3252968 – APPEAL WITHDRAWN 30.09.2020 REFUSED
    P/2019/00221 Gibbs Leasows Farm Stafford Road Blount’s Green Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 8QA – Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural buildings to form 3 dwelling houses PERMITS
    P/2019/00194 Dagdale Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ – Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling house and formation of new vehicular access PERMITS
    P/2018/01448 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB- Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to outline planning permission P/2013/00882 to develop 50.7 ha of land for up to 700 dwellings, 10ha of employment use (Classes B1, B2, B8), a first school, a mixed use local centre incorporating retail, leisure, social, cultural community and health facilities, green infrastructure, associated engineering works, access to New Road and Bramshall Road and associated internal access roads including demolition of Parks Farm and associated buildings, with all matters reserved for the removal of condition 27 (improvements to Silver Street/Dove Bank/Church Street junction) Pending
    P/2018/00835 Land off Stone Road, Bramshall, Staffordshire – Change of use of building to form dog agility and training and the formation of dog kennels PERMITS
    P/2018/00700 Brook House Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ – Prior Approval for the conversion of existing barn to form three dwellings REFUSED
    P/2018/00510 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 7RB – Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 68 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) Pending
    P/2018/00567 Glencairn, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 5BJ – Erection of a single storey front extension PERMITS
    P/2018/00494 Olympic House Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall ST14 8TD – Continued siting of portacabin for use as staff room for a further 5 years PERMITS
    P/2018/00496 Dagdale Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ -Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2018/00249 Sweet Meadow Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 5BJ – Conversion of existing barn to form dwelling PERMITS
    P/2017/00181 12 Mallens Croft Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5NG – Re-positioning of boundary fence PERMITS
    P/2018/00022 Brook House Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ – Prior approval for the conversion of agricultural building to form 3 dwellings REFUSED
    P/2017/01619 Ducks Crossing, Stone Road, Bramshall, ST14 8SH – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a detached dwelling and installation of package treatment plant in association with equestrian operation on the site without complying with Condition 2 of planning permission P/2017/00504 relating to inclusion of a roof lantern, removal of door from rear elevation, internal layout changes and removal of conditions 7 and 9 PERMITS
    P/2017/01477 Proposed barn conversion at Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, Staffordshire, ST14 5BJ – Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural building to form dwelling Pending
    P/2017/01388 Pym and Wildsmith, Bramshall Industrial Estate, Bramshall, Uttoxeter, ST148TD – Retention of ventilation and extraction flues PERMITS
    P/2017/01274 Land Off, Stone Road, Bramshall, ST14 5BG – Conversion of two agricultural buildings to form two dwellings PERMITS
    P/2017/01606 12 Mallens Croft, Bramshall, ST14 5NG – Re-positioning of boundary fence REFUSES
    P/2017/00758 10 Mallens Croft Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5NG – Conversion of garage to form utility room and storage APPROVED
    P/2017/00528 Roycroft Farm, Bennetts Lane, Bramshall, ST14 5BG – Demolition of existing building to facilitate the erection of an extension to existing slaughterhouse PERMITS
    P/2017/00527 Roycroft Farm Bennetts Lane Bramshall ST14 5BG – Erection of a single storey side extension to existing shop APPROVED
    P/2017/00427 25 Bramshall Industrial Estate Bramshall Uttoxeter ST14 8TD – Change of use of Waste Transfer Station to garage/workshop class B2 (Additional Information Received) PERMITS
    P/2017/00504 Ducks Crossing, Stone Road, Bramshall ST14 8SH-Erection of a detached dwelling and installation of package treatment plant in association with equestrian operation on the site PERMITS
    P/2016/01845 Lightwood Fields Leigh Road Bramshall ST14 5BH – Erection of a two storey side extension and part two storey, part single storey rear extensions Approved
    P/2016/01802 Penbryn Leigh Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DN – Raising of the roof height to provide first floor accommodation, erection of a one and a half storey rear extension, erection of a front porch, installation of an insulated render system and erection of a detached single garage Approved
    P/2016/01777 Robin Hood, Leigh Lane, Bramshall – single side extension to house Pizza oven Withdrawn
    P/2016/01415 Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 5BJ – Conversion and alterations to an agricultural building to form a dwelling Approved
    P/2016/00416 Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 5BJ – Conversion and alterations of an agricultural building to form a dwelling Approved
    P/2016/01257 Dagdale Farm, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form two dwellings Approved
    P/2016/01228 St Lawrences Church Church Lane Bramshall – Listed Building application for the demolition of existing outbuildings to facilitate the erection of a single storey extension to form a disabled toilet, baby change unit and kitchen including replacement radiators, shorten length of window and alterations to doors Withdrawn
    P/2016/01227 St Lawrences Church Church Lane Bramshall – Demolition of existing outbuildings to facilitate the erection of a single storey extension to form a disabled toilet, baby change unit and kitchen and installation of a trench arch foul drainage soakaway Approved
    P/2016/01222 Grudlann House, Stone Road, Bramshall, ST14 8SH  – Erection of a single storey side extension Approved
    P/2016/01202 Small Farm Buildings Dagdale Lane Dagdale ST14 5BJ – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling Approved
    P/2016/00940 Yew Tree Farm House, Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 5BJ – erection of a detached storage building Refused
    P/2016/00881 Barns at Dagdale Lane, Dagdale, ST14 – conversion from barn to dwelling Approved
    P/2016/00689 Hurst Farm Leigh Lane Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BQ – Erection of an agricultural building for the housing of livestock, silage clamp and effluent tank Approved
    P/2016/00448 Lightwood Fields Leigh Road Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BH – Erection of two storey rear and single storey side extensions and porch and formation of new access off Leigh Lane Approved
    P/2016/00245 Sweet Meadow Farm Dagdale Lane Dagdale Staffordshire ST14 5BJ – Prior approval for the part conversion of an agricultural building to form dwelling Approved
    P/2016/00238 3 Church Croft Bramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DE – Retention of a wire ariel attached to existing trees and 5 metre high flagpole Approved
    P/2016/00216 Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter – New residential devpts, U – Development Type – Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the erection of 166 dwellings and garages, including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 1B) Approved
    P/2016/00057 The Old Bramshall Inn, Stone Road, Bramshall: Display of 2 x externally illuminated fascia signs, 1 x non-illuminated post sign with attached double sided sign board, 2 x non-illuminated sign, 2 x externally name sign, 3 x non-illuminated freestanding signs Approved
  • App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2024/00408 Woodlands, Crakemarsh Hall , Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh, Staffordshire, ST14 5AR – Reduce the lateral branches from 1 Cedar tree by 3 to 4 metres (TPO No 119)[/application [application ref="P/2022/01292" status="PERMITS"]The Old Crossing Hook Lane Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AS – Change of use including the erection of a single storey side extension of existing commercial dog grooming parlour to form a dwelling GRANTS
    P/2022/00854 Mulberry House 3 Crakemarsh Hall, Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AR – Erection of part single and two storey rear extension to dwelling including balcony and erection of a single storey rear extension to existing garage PERMITS
    P/2021/01607 3 Crakemarsh Hall Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh ST14 5AR – Crown lift to 2.5m one Deodar tree (T1) crown lift to 3m one Yew tree (T2), crown reduce by up to 3m & re-shape one Lime tree (T3) , reduce height by up to 3m & re-shape one Lime tree (T4) and re shape one Yew tree (T5) W1of TPO 119 GRANTED
    P/2021/00606 3 Crakemarsh Hall Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh ST14 5AR – Erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension and roof alterations, erection of a single storey rear extension to existing garage PERMITS
    P/2020/01285 Lavender Croft Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AR – Erection of a single storey rear and side extension PERMITS
    P/2020/00020 The Old Crossing Hook Lane Crakemarsh ST14 5AS- Demolition of part of kennel building and blockwork runs to facilitate the conversion to form a dwelling PERMITS
    P/2019/01116 The Alders Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5BL-Retention of hardstanding and static caravan PERMITS
    P/2018/01194 The Old Crossing Hook Lane Crakemarsh ST14 5AS- Change of use including the erection of a single storey side extension of existing commercial dog grooming parlour to form a dwelling APPEAL GRANTED
    P/2019/00426 JCB Golf and Country Club Hollington Road Rocester ST14 5HY- Retention of Pergola PERMITS
    P/2019/00210 Alton Brook House Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AR – Erection of a single storey side extension Withdrawn
    P/2018/00846 JCB Golf and Country Club Hollington Road Rocester ST14 5HY – Erection of 10 (four bedroomed) Golf Lodges to provide visitor accommodation, conversion and alterations to front elevation of Pinewood Cottage to provide visitor accommodation, golf office, meeting room and store along with the provision of associated vehicular access, parking facilities and landscaping (REVISED SCHEME AND LAYOUT) PERMITS
    P/2018/01536 Woodlands Crakemarsh Hall Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 – Erection of a single storey side/rear extension to form orangery PERMIT
    P/2018/01194 The Old Crossing Hook Lane Crakemarsh ST14 5AS- Change of use including the erection of a single storey side extension of existing commercial dog grooming parlour to form a dwelling REFUSED
    P/2018/00846 JCB Golf and Country Club Hollington Road Rocester ST14 5HY – Erection of 10 (four bedroomed) Golf Lodges to provide visitor accommodation, conversion and alterations to front elevation of Pinewood Cottage to provide visitor accommodation, golf office, meeting room and store along with the provision of associated vehicular access, parking facilities and landscaping Conditional Approval
    P/2018/00815 Lavender Croft, Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh, ST14 5AR – Conversion and alterations of former workshop to form a dwelling, external alterations to include recladding, increase in roof pitch, installation of solar panels and septic tank and formation of separate driveway (Revised scheme) PERMITS
    P/2018/00401 adj The Coach House, Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh, ST14 5AR- Erection of five detached dwellings and package treatment plant REFUSES
    P/2018/00232 Woodseat Level Rocester Staffordshire – Erection of single storey extension and associated glass link to existing Golf Academy building to form Golf Clubhouse Conditional Approval
    P/2018/00177 Lavender Croft Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh ST14 5AR – Conversion and alterations of former workshop to form a dwelling, external alterations to include recladding, increase in roof pitch, installation of solar panels and septic tank and formation of separate driveway(Revised scheme) PERMITS
    P/2017/01316 Lavender Croft, Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh, ST14 5AR – Conversion and alterations of former workshop to form a dwelling, external alterations to include recladding, increase in roof pitch, installation of solar panels and septic tank and formation of separate driveway (Revised scheme) PERMITS
    P/2017/00008 The Garden House Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh ST14 5AR – Erection of a detached two bay timber framed car port Approved
    P/2016/01789 Home Farm Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh ST14 5AR – Erection of an extension to an existing agricultural building Approved
    P/2016/01668 The Alders Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5BL – Sub-division of existing single dwelling to create 2 no. dwellings Approved
    P/2016/00807 The Alders, Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh – Sub-division of existing single dwelling to create 2 no. dwellings Refused
    P/2016/00764 The Alders, Old Uttoxeter Road, Crakemarsh – continued use retention of hardstanding and retention of static caravan Approved
    P/2016/00583 Longacre Farm Hook Lane Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AS – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling and construction of vehicular access Approved
    P/2016/00486 Home Farm Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire ST14 5AR – Erection of an agricultural building Approved
    P/2016/00289 2 Crakemarsh Hall Old Uttoxeter Road Crakemarsh Staffordshire – Erection of a single storey side extension Approved
    App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2023/00635 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Erection of a building for high welfare cow housing (Phase 4 of 4) Pending- Amended Information
    P/2023/00584 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Erection of a building for high welfare cow housing (Phase 3 of 4) Pending
    P/2023/00583 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Erection of a building for high welfare cow housing (Phase 2 of 4) Pending
    P/2023/00581 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Erection of a building for high welfare cow housing (Phase 1 of 4) Pending
    P/2023/00351 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations to agricultural building to facilitate use as welfare facility for farm staff and visitors to include the installation of partitions, infilling of two doorways, new windows and doors and flue pipe on north east elevation Conditional Approval
    P/2023/00350 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RU – Conversion and alteration of part of agricultural building to facilitate use as welfare facility for farm staff and visitors Conditional Approval
    P/2021/01225 2 Park View Stafford Road Lower Loxley ST14 8RX – Erection of a two storey side/rear extension PERMITS
    P/2021/01273 Gibbs Leasows Farm Stafford Road, Loxley, Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 8QA – Prior Approval for the conversion of one agricultural building to form a dwelling house PERMITS
    P/2021/00326 Loxley Layby Stafford Road Uttoxeter Staffordshire – Retention of a portacabin for hot food café PERMITS
    P/2021/00167 Loxley Hall School Stafford Road Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RS – Formation of an additional 53 car parking spaces and increasing the width of parts of the driveway PERMITS
    P/2020/00719 Holly Hayes Farm Holly Lane Kingstone Staffordshire ST14 8QD- Conversion and alterations of 2 No. existing agricultural buildings to form 2 No. dwellings (including raising of ridge height to Barn A) and construction of new vehicular access Pending
    P/2020/01469 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley ST14 8RU – Erection of a cattle shed (Phase 3) PERMITS
    P/2020/01470 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley ST14 8RU – Erection of a cattle shed (Phase 4) PERMITS
    P/2020/00719 Holly Hayes Farm Holly Lane Kingstone Staffordshire ST14 8QD- Conversion and alterations of 2 existing agricultural buildings to form 2 dwellings and construction of vehicular access including raising of ridge height to Barn A PERMITS
    P/2020/01015 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley ST14 8RU – Erection of a cattle shed (Phase 1 of 2) and widening of existing access PERMITS
    P/2020/01016 Lower Loxley Farm Stafford Road Lower Loxley ST14 8RU – Erection of a cattle shed (Phase 2of 2) PERMITS
    P/2019/01094 Barn at Holly Hayes Farm Holly Lane Kingstone Staffordshire ST14 8QD- Prior Approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling WITHDRAWN
    P/2019/00933 adjacent to Long Walk Loxley Staffordshire- Erection of 2 detached buildings to form holiday lets and installation of 2 package treatment plants {No status}
    P/2019/00522 Loxley Bank Farm Loxley Lane Loxley Green ST14 8QB- Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2019/00338 Kingfisher Lodge Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley ST14 8RZ – Erection of a detached double garage and workshop and installation of septic tank PERMITS
    P/2018/00294 Blythe Barn Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley ST14 8RZ – Change of use from agricultural land to domestic use including formation of new vehicular site entrance and driveway to provide access for the parking of vehicles under 3.5 tonnes with associated new walling and replacement hedgerow planting along with the proposed closing up of an existing vehicular site entrance and erection of new walling (revised scheme and description) PERMITS
    P/2018/01372 Loxley House Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley ST14 8RZ- Erection of a single storey front and side extension PERMITS
    P/2018/00912 Barn on, Watery Lane, Loxley, Uttoxeter, ST14 8RZ – Conversion of existing agricultural barn to form a dwelling including formation of basement structure for parking of vehicles and installation of septic tank Pending
    P/2018/00294 Blythe Barn, Caverswall Lane, Lower Loxley ST14 8RZ – Change of use from agricultural land to domestic use including formation of site entrance and driveway and erection of associated walling and parking of lorry (AMENDED DRAWINGS) Pending
    P/2018/00119 Lower Loxley Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley , Staffordshire, ST14 8RU – Erection of an agricultural building to house livestock (Phase 4) and formation of slurry settlement ponds PERMIT
    P/2018/00118 Lower Loxley Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley , Staffordshire, ST14 8RU – Erection of an agricultural building to house livestock (Phase 3) PERMIT
    P/2018/00117 Lower Loxley Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley , Staffordshire, ST14 8RU – Erection of an agricultural building to house livestock (Phase 2) PERMIT
    P/2018/00116 Lower Loxley Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley , Staffordshire, ST14 8RU – Erection of an agricultural building to house livestock (Phase 1) PERMIT
    P/2017/01630 Crowtree Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley , ST14 8RX – Change of use of land to form domestic curtilage and erection of a single storey extension PERMITS
    P/2017/01625 Lower Loxley Farm, Stafford Road, Lower Loxley, ST14 8RU – Formation of a slurry lagoon PERMITS
    P/2017/00982 North of Caverswall Farm, Lower Loxley, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8RZ – Removal of 500m of hedgerow -The hedgerow is now subject to a Hedgerow Retention Notice by virtue of this decision REFUSED
    P/2017/00606 Barn at Burndhurst Mill Farm Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling APPROVED
    P/2017/00317 Blythe Barn, Caverswall Lane, Lower Loxely, ST14 8RZ REFUSED
    P/2016/00713 Loxley House Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RZ – Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side and rear extension Approved
    P/2016/00347 Caverswall Lane Lower Loxley Staffordshire ST14 8RZ – Proposed barn conversion Refused
  • App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2024/00734 Bus Park, Stramshall Road, Spath, Uttoxeter, ST14 5AE  – Extension of existing use of land used for the parking of buses, coaches and commercial vehicles to include cars and light commercial vehicles for sale on-line by appointment./application] [application ref="P/2021/00969" status="PENDING"]Land West of Ashbourne Road, Spath, Stramshall, Uttoxeter, ST14 5AD – Appeal against the refusal for the retrospective consent for change of use to a Gypsy/Traveller site, proposed works to provide 3 no. family pitches including 1 x amenity building, level changes across the site, creation of a swale, package treatment plant, bin storage area, alterations to existing driveway, erection of stables, alterations to fencing and landscaping PENDING
    P/2023/00094 Bridge Farm Stramshall Road Spath Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AF – Erection of Glamping Pods with decking, associated vehicle track and footpaths, service hut, bicycle racks and waste/recycling storage, low level lighting, installation of package treatment plant and improvements to existing vehicular access REFUSES
    P/2020/01353 The Garage Stramshall Road Spath ST14 5AE – Demolition of existing commercial and industrial buildings, erection of three buildings to form 9 x Class B2 (Industrial) and Class B8 (Storage and Distribution) units including the retention of one building forming two units (revised plans and additional information) PERMITS
    P/2022/00528 Uttoxeter Quarry Spath Uttoxeter ST14 5AP – Consultation about further information submitted in connection with planning application No. [SCC/21/0047/FULL-ES] for the importation and temporary storage of limestone scalpings with the erection and use of an aggregate washing plant Pending
    SCC/21/0047/FULL-ES Uttoxeter Quarry – importation and temporary storage of limestone scalpings with the erection and use of an aggregate washing plant at Uttoxeter Quarry, Spath – Pending
    ES.16/15/524 MW Uttoxeter Quarry – Application to vary conditions 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 32, 38, 39 and 42 of permission ref. ES.11/13/524 MW: to alter the sequence of phased extraction; and to revise the date for cessation of mineral extraction from 30 November 2016 to 30 November 2023 and restoration from 30 November 2018 to 30 November 2025 – Uttoxeter Quarry, Ashbourne Road, Spath, Uttoxeter ST14 5AP – Pending
    SCC/21/0025/FULL-ES Northern extension to Uttoxeter Quarry for the winning and working of sand and gravel with restoration to agriculture, water based recreation and nature conservation, with the continued use of existing access, site offices, processing plant, silt lagoons and ancillary infrastructure – Uttoxeter Quarry, Spath, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 5AP – Pending
    P/2021/00969 Land West of Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5AD – Change of Use to a Gypsy / Traveller Site to provide 3 no. family pitches including 3 x Amenity blocks, formation of earth bund, package treatment plant and alterations to existing driveway Pending
    P/2021/00969 Land West of Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5AD – Change of Use to a Gypsy / Traveller Site to provide 3 no. family pitches including 3 x Amenity blocks, formation of earth bund, level changes across the site, package treatment plant and alterations to existing driveway (Revised boundary, updated Flood Risk Assessment and new Ecological Assessment) Pending
    P/2020/01353 The Garage Stramshall Road Spath ST14 5AE – Demolition of existing commercial and industrial buildings, erection of three buildings to form 9 x Class B2 (Industrial) and Class B8 (Storage and Distribution) units including the retention of one building forming two units Pending
    P/2020/01472 3 Spath Cottages Stramshall Road Spath Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AE – Erection of a first floor rear extension PERMITS
    P/2020/01173 Spath Cottage Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AP – Retention of porta cabin PERMITS
    P/2021/00612 Carlton Manor, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AD –  Prior Notification for the erection of an agricultural building for the storage and maintenance of machinery and implements Given
    P/2020/00793 Carlton Manor Stramshall Road Spath Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5AD – Construction of agricultural access PERMITS
    P/2019/00981 Spath Farm Ashbourne Road Spath ST14 5AP- Erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling and removal of a temporary mobile home PERMITS
    P/2019/00877 Land to the rear of Brooklands House Spath Uttoxeter Staffordshire – Demolition of existing storage sheds and erection of a replacement workshop/store (Class B2 General Industrial) WITHDRAWN
    P/2019/00844 Spath Farm Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall ST14 5AP – Re-siting of an unauthorised agricultural worker’s mobile home for a temporary period of 2 years PERMITS
    P/2017/01228 Spath Farm Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall ST14 5AP – Erection of an agricultural building for grain storage & loose stock housing (Phase 2) PERMITS
    P/2017/01227 Spath Farm Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall ST14 5AP – Erection of an agricultural building for grain storage & loose stock housing (Phase 1) PERMITS
    P/2017/01149 Spath Farm, Ashbourne Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AP – Retention of hay barn Refused
    P/2016/01785 The Garage, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire – Retention of portable cabin and car port Approved
    P/2016/01064 Spath Cottage, Ashbourne Road, Spath – continued use of double garage as Dog Grooming Parlour Approved
  • App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2024/00807 Bridge Farm, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AF -Erection of a residential detached garage with first floor home office. Pending
    P/2023/00708 The Woodyard, Hollington Lane, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5ER-Retention of a mobile home for a further 3 years. Pending
    P/2024/00802 Bridge Farm, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AF-Formation of a dropped kerb access Permits
    P/2024/00774 Uttoxeter Quarry , Ashbourne Road , Spath , Stramshall, Staffordshire -Proposed Sports Hub development to include fenced, floodlit AGP, floodlit enclosed grass pitch with 2x dug outs, further grass pitches, pavilion, 1x container AGP pitch, maintenance and goal storage compound including 2x containers, car parking and access, sewage treatment plant, bunding and 2x spectator stands. Pending
    P/2024/00815 Birchcroft, High Street, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AL-Raising of roof height to form a pitched roof (amended) Permits
    P/2024/00379 Land to the West of Uttoxeter, A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire- Reserved Matters application to P/2020/00253 including details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for Phases 1 and 2 of the development comprising two employment units (Classes B1, B2, B8) together with primary spine and access roads, parking, landscaping, and associated infrastructure. Pending
    P/2024/00716 Land to the West of Uttoxeter, A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter, ST14 7RB- Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 2 (Plans) and Condition 11 attached to planning permission P/2022/00488 for enabling works including reprofiling of land, installation of a new substation, highway and drainage infrastructure and landscaping. Pending
    P/2024/00601 12 Barnwell Close, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AW- Application under 73 to vary condition 2 (Plans) attached to planning permission P/2012/01336 for the erection of a single storey front and side extension, erection of a pitched roof over existing flat roofed dormer extension and erection of a single storey garage and store, to amend the colour of roof tiles and change from hanging tiles on walls to brick slips to match house walls. Permits
    P/2024/00474 Trippy Oaks Farm, Watery Lane, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5DZ – Retention of a mobile home used as an agricultural worker’s dwelling for a further 3 years. Permits
    P/2024/00456 Birchcroft, High Street, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AL – Raising of roof height to form a pitched roof Permits
    P/2024/00379 Land to the West of Uttoxeter, A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire – Reserved Matters application to P/2020/00253 including details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for Phases 1 and 2 of the development comprising two employment units (Classes B1, B2, B8) together with primary spine and access roads, parking, landscaping, and associated infrastructure Pending
    P/2023/00094 Bridge Farm, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AF – Appeal against the refusal of planning permission for the erection of Glamping Pods with decking, associated vehicle track and footpaths, service hut, bicycle racks and waste/recycling storage, low level lighting, installation of package treatment plant and improvements to existing vehicular access {No status}
    P/2024/00197 Bridge Farm, Stramshall Road, Spath, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AF – Formation of a dropped kerb and erection of a detached garage with first floor home office space Pending
    P/2024/00131 Land adj Three Oaks Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire  -Erection of 10 dwellings – Rural exceptions site.  Pending
    P/2024/00081 Little Nook High Street Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AG  -Erection of a first floor rear extension with Juliet balcony  Pending
    P/2023/01223 32 Vicarage Drive Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DL -Erection of pitched roof and bay window to the front elevation, single storey rear/side extension and installation of a flue Permits
    P/2023/01249 Creighton Cottage Creighton Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AX -Erection of a single storey side and rear extension Permits
    P/2021/00969 Land West of Ashbourne Road Spath Stramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5AD -Retrospective consent for change of Use to a Gypsy/Traveller site, proposed works to provide 3 no. family pitches including 1 x amenity building, level changes across the site, creation of a swale, package treatment plant, bin storage area, alterations to existing driveway, erection of stables and landscaping.(AMENDED DESCRIPTION, AMENDED PLANS AND UPDATED FRA) Dismissed
    P/2023/00759 Brooklands House Stramshall Road Spath Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AE -Planning Statement in relation to the Change of Use of Land to Domestic Curtilage and the Erection of a Detached Garage/Workshop Pending
    P/2023/00745 Brenern Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AJ -Erection of a detached dwelling and construction of vehicular access APPEAL
    P/2023/00794 Rose Acre St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AH – Raising of ridge height to facilitate additional living accommodation, two storey and single storey side extensions, front porch, formation of underground basement for cinema, play room and gym and erection of detached garage with first floor annex Permits
    P/2023/00698 Trippey Oaks Farm Watery Lane Beamhurst Staffordshire ST14 5DZ – Removal and replacement of temporary agricultural worker’s mobile home with a detached agricultural workers dwelling Pending
    P/2023/00708 The Woodyard Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5ER – Outline application for the erection of a detached workers dwelling including details of access Pending
    P/2023/00618 The Olive Tree Stramshall Uttoxeter ST14 5AL – Change of use of bed and breakfast accommodation to dwelling Permits
    P/2023/00533 Land West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 7RB – Reserved Matters application relating to outline planning permission P/2020/00253 for the erection of 141 No. dwellings including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and details in relation to the proposed discharge of conditions 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 26 of the outline approval (Phase 2F Bramshall Meadows) Pending
    P/2023/00413 Rose Acre St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AH – Erection of a detached triple garage with annex above REFUSED - APPEAL LODGED
    P/2023/00335 Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire – Application under Section 73 to vary condition 27 of outline planning application P/2013/00882 to develop 50.7 ha of land for up to 700 dwellings, 10ha of employment use (Classes B1, B2, B8), a first school, a mixed use local centre incorporating retail, leisure, social, cultural community and health facilities, green infrastructure, associated engineering works, access to New Road and Bramshall Road and associated internal access roads including demolition of Parks Farm and associated buildings, with all matters reserved to allow the occupation of no more than 550 dwellings until either details of improvements to the Silver Street/Dove Bank/Church Street junction have been submitted or a Traffic Assessment Report is submitted Pending
    P/2023/00215 The Walled Garden St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU – Reinstatement of glasshouse for a greenhouse area, work/hobby area and ancillary living accommodation (revised scheme) Permits
    P/2023/00216 The Walled Garden St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU – Listed Building Consent for the reinstatement of glasshouse for a greenhouse area, work/hobby area and ancillary living accommodation (revised scheme) Grants
    P/2023/00134 Cropwell House High Street Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AL – Erection of an oak framed gazebo, attached to the rear of the existing garage for the purpose of providing a covered amenity / barbeque area PERMITS
    P/2023/00095 5 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AN – Erection of a boundary wall to the front of the property PERMITS
    P/2022/01405 Barn 2 Vicarage Drive Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DL – Installation of roof mounted PV (solar) panels, detached outbuilding and replacement windows PERMITS
    P/2022/01458 Adjacent to 1-4 The Croft High Street Stramshall Staffordshire – Removal of 39m of hedgerow (Revised Application Form) GRANTED
    P/2022/01450 Rose Acre St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AH – Raising of ridge height to existing dwelling, erection of a two storey side and rear extension with balcony, installation of first and second floor side windows, erection of a front porch, two storey detached garage with first floor annex and a two storey detached studio and home office PERMITS
    P/2022/01254 Land off Watery Lane Beamhurst Staffordshire – Erection of a multi-purpose agricultural building to be used as an implement store and animal shelter for agricultural horses and sheep with associated hardstanding Pending
    P/2022/00799 Springfields St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU – Conversion and alteration of outbuilding in part to form bathroom and replacement rooflight PERMITS
    P/2022/00803 Springfields St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU -Consent for alterations to include repointing, replacement windows to annex, replacement rooflight and blocking up doorway for the conversion and alteration of outbuilding in part to form bathroom including a new floor GRANTS
    P/2022/00496 Land to the West of Uttoxeter Bramshall Meadows Phase 2D A50 Bypass Uttoxeter – Residential development comprising 137 No. dwellings together with access, parking, public open space, landscaping, and associated works (Re-Plan of Phase 2D to provide an additional No. 56 dwellings) Pending
    P/2022/00488 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB – Enabling works including reprofiling of land, installation of a new substation, highway and drainage infrastructure and landscaping Permits
    P/2022/00034 The Chapel House Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5DY – Retention of detached building to house livestock PERMITS
    P/2022/00315 Tean Valley Meadow Nature Reserve Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire – Extension to existing woodland shelter PERMITS
    P/2022/00119 Brenern Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AJ – Erection of a part first floor, part two storey and part single storey rear extension and erection of a single storey front extension PERMITS
    P/2022/00065 Hall Farm High Street Stramshall ST14 5AG – Erection of a 1.8m timber fence on top of existing wall PERMITS
    P/2021/01577 Land West of Uttoxeter, Uttoxeter – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with 1 of planning permission P/2020/01488 dated 16th April 2021 relating to amendments to the approved plans to house types on Phase 2C, substitution of the Site Layout, Materials Plan, Boundary Treatment Plan, Developable Areas and Electric Vehicle Charging Layout in respect of Phase 2A-2E PERMITS
    P/2021/01234 Lindon Lea 6 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall ST14 5AN – Demolition of existing garage to facilitate the erection of a two storey front, two storey side and single storey rear extension, raising of ridge height of roof and installation of three dormer windows on the rear elevation to form additional living accommodation PERMITS
    P/2021/01088 Joy Lane and Sons Firewood Merchants The Woodyard Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5ER – Retention of a mobile home for a further 3 years GIVEN
    P/2021/00819 5 The Orchard Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AY – Erection of a single storey rear extension PERMITS
    P/2021/00550 Springfields St Michaels Road Stramshall ST14 5DU – Installation of package treatment plant and discharge to existing land drain PERMITS
    P/2021/00539 Field Head Farm Combridge Lane Combridge Staffordshire ST14 5JA – Screening Opinion RECOMMENDATIONS
    P/2020/01466 Mill Farm St Michaels Road Stramshall ST14 5DU – Listed Building application for alterations to the windows and doors on all elevations to include sizes of openings PERMITS
    P/2020/01514 Lindon Lea 6 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall ST14 5AN – Demolition of existing garage to facilitate the erection of a two storey front, two storey side and single storey rear extension and replacement roof PERMITS
    P/2020/01488 Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with condition 1, 12 and 13 of planning permission P/2020/00828 dated 3rd November 2020 relating to amendments to approved plans to house types for Plots 411-412, 422, 425-428, 463 and 469 on Phase 2E, substitution of Site Layout, Developable Areas Plan, Material Plan and Boundary Treatment Plan in respect of Phase 2A-2E and EV Charging Layout to Phases 2A-2E PERMITS
    P/2020/01427 Creighton Cottage Creighton Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AX – Erection of a single storey side and rear extension PERMITS
    P/2020/01284 The Cedars Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AJ – Conversion and alterations of existing coach house to form a dwelling PERMITS
    P/2020/01136 Pingle Farm Cottage Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5ER- Erection of replacement stables and altered positioning of manege PERMITS
    P/2020/00954 Hill View 32 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AN- Erection of a single storey front extension PERMITS
    P/2020/00862 31 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall ST14 5AN – Felling of Beech tree (TPO 284) REFUSED
    P/2020/00828 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment to planning permission P/2018/00510 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with condition 1 of planning permission P/2018/00510 dated 24th October 2018 relating to amendments to approved plans to house types for Plots 544-700 (Phase 2B), 3 bed house types in Phase 2E in lieu of 4 bed house types and substitution of site layout, materials plan and boundary treatment in respect of Phases 2A-2E PERMITS
    P/2020/00040 The Cedars Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5AJ – Formation of vehicular access and parking area PERMITS
    P/2020/00584 12 Barnwell Close Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AW- Erection of pitched roof over existing dormer PERMITS
    P/2020/00327 Church Farm High Street Stramshall ST14 5AL- Outline application for the erection of a dwelling including details of access, layout and scale REFUSES
    P/2020/00482 Trippey Oaks Farm Watery Lane Beamhurst Uttoxeter ST14 5DZ- Siting of a mobile home for three years to provide accommodation for a key agricultural worker and installation of a domestic sewage plant PERMITS
    P/2020/00327 Church Farm High Street Stramshall ST14 5AL- Outline application for the erection of a dwelling including details of access, layout and scale Pending
    P/2020/00253 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 7RB- Outline planning application for residential development (C3), employment uses (B1) (Business), B2 (General Industrial),(B8) (Storage and Distribution)), residential care home (C2) and local centre (A1) (Retail), (A2) (Financial and Professional Services), (A3) (Restaurants and Cafes), (A4) (Drinking Establishments) and (A5) (Hot Food Takeaways), (D1) (Non-residential institutions) with associated green infrastructure, engineering works and means of access from the A50 and all other matters reserved Pending
    P/2020/00236 Barn on Watery Lane Uttoxeter ST14 8RZ-Conversion of existing agricultural barn to form a dwelling and installation of a package treatment plant Pending
    P/2020/00167 7 Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AJ- Alterations including raising of roof height to existing garage to form sunroom/store PERMITS
    P/2020/00121 Westlands 1 Cedar Drive Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5BA-Erection of a 1.8m sliding entrance gate PERMITS
    P/2020/00123 No 31 Broomyclose Lane Stramshall ST14 5AN-Erection of a two storey side extension, front porch and extension to driveway PERMITS
    P/2019/01541 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with condition 1 of planning permission P/2019/01053 dated 9th December 2019 relating to amendments to approved plans by way of variation of approved external materials on Phase 2E from brickwork and render to a combination of red and dark grey brick and completely remove the use of render (Plots 409 – 418, 422, 425 – 430, 433 – 446, 453 – 455, 463 – 474) PERMITS
    P/2020/00040 The Cedars Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5AJ – Formation of vehicular access and parking area Pending
    P/2020/00021 Chapel Farm Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 5DY – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling PERMITS
    P/2019/01441 Land Opposite Old Wood Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5ER – Retention of a replacement general purpose agricultural building PERMITS
    P/2018/01405 Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire-Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the construction of a new first school and associated works including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Revised Plans received) PERMITS
    P/2019/01346 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB- Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment for the construction of a spine road with associated drainage, electricity sub-station, gas governor, earth works and landscaping without complying with Condition 2 of planning permission P/2018/00355 for the re-positioning of the gas governor and the electricity sub-station and enlarged compound for the pumping station PERMITS
    P/2019/00629 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB-Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment in respect of a Reserved Matters application relating to outline planning permission ref: P/2013/00882 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with Condition 1 of P/2018/00510 in relation to changes to the house types, the facing materials and the boundary treatments PERMITS
    P/2019/01104 Horse Chestnut Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5ET- Formation of manege and erection of horse walker and associated fencing PERMITS
    P/2019/01053 A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB-Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Ac 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment to planning permission P/2018/00510 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) without complying with condition 1 of planning permission P/2018/00510 dated 24th October 2018 relating to amendments to approved plans to house types for Plots 401-474 which include new internal specification, technology upgrades and some minor elevational changes- Parcel 2E PERMITS
    P/2019/00727 Rose Acre St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AH-Erection of a first floor side extension and erection of a detached garage PERMITS
    P/2018/01235 Former Barn High Street Stramshall Staffordshire – Conversion of existing barn to a dwelling – APPEAL LODGED 07.05.2019- Appeal Ref: APP/B3410/W/19/3225892 – The appeal is allowed and planning permission is GRANTED for the conversion of the barn to residential at Barn at High Street, Stramshall, Staffordshire ST14 5AL, in accordance with the terms of the application Ref P/2018/01235, dated 7 September 2018 Appeal GIVEN
    P/2019/00431 Waterloo Park, JCB World Parts Centre Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter ST14 5PA – Extension to existing service yard and re-profiling of existing bund PERMITS
    P/2019/00205 Waterloo Park, JCB CAB Systems Limited Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter – Display of three internally illuminated fascia signs GRANTED
    P/2019/00062 Trippyhills Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5ET – Erection of an extension to an existing agricultural building PERMITS
    P/2019/00075 3 Church Farm Close Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AL – Erection of part first floor and two storey rear extension Pending
    P/2019/00060 Horse Chestnut Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5ET – Erection of single storey side extensions PERMITS
    P/2018/01405 Land to the west of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter Staffordshire – Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the construction of a new first school and associated works including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale Pending
    P/2018/01465 Proposed barn conversion Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5ER-Conversion and alterations to existing agricultural building to form dwelling including single storey side extension and formation of driveway and installation of septic tank PERMITS
    P/2018/01448 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB- Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to outline planning permission P/2013/00882 to develop 50.7 ha of land for up to 700 dwellings, 10ha of employment use (Classes B1, B2, B8), a first school, a mixed use local centre incorporating retail, leisure, social, cultural community and health facilities, green infrastructure, associated engineering works, access to New Road and Bramshall Road and associated internal access roads including demolition of Parks Farm and associated buildings, with all matters reserved for the removal of condition 27 (improvements to Silver Street/Dove Bank/Church Street junction) Pending
    P/2018/01435 Waterloo Park, JCB World Parts Centre Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter ST14 – Installation of External Racking System PERMITS
    P/2018/00232 Woodseat Level, Rocester, Staffordshire – Erection of single storey extension and associated glass link to existing Golf Academy building to form Golf Clubhouse (REVISED INFORMATION RECEIVED) – The above application will be considered by the Planning Applications Committee PERMITS
    P/2018/01289 Joy Lane & Sons Firewood Merchants Hollington Lane Stramshall Uttoxeter – Use of part of land for production and storage of charcoal and siting of mobile home for a temporary period of 3 years and re-siting of site cabin PERMIT
    P/2018/01235 Former Barn – High Street Stramshall Staffordshire – Conversion of existing barn to a dwelling REFUSED
    P/2018/01246 Land at Watery Lane Beamhurst Uttoxeter ST14 5DZ – Erection of an agricultural livestock building PERMITS
    P/2018/00510 Land to the West of Uttoxeter, A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 7RB – Reserved Matters application relating to P/2013/00882 for the erection of 450 dwellings and garages including 121 affordable units, together with drainage and highways infrastructure, and including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase 2) NB Planning Meeting 16th October at Burton Town Hall PERMITS
    P/2018/00232 Woodseat Level Rocester Staffordshire – Erection of single storey extension and associated glass link to existing Golf Academy building to form Golf Clubhouse (REVISED INFORMATION RECEIVED) Pending
    P/2018/00954 15 Vicarage Drive Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DL – Erection of a detached garage PERMITS
    P/2018/00652 Joy Lane & Sons Firewood Merchants, Hollington Lane, Stramshall, Uttoxeter – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling including details of access REFUSES
    P/2018/00601 14 Hollington Lane, Stramshall, ST14 5AJ – Erection of a first floor extension over existing garage PERMITS
    P/2018/00498 Land Adjacent to Trippyhills Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5ET – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2018/00358 Land to the West of Uttoxeter A50 Bypass Uttoxeter ST14 7RB – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 5 detached buildings for use as 13 Class B1 (Business), Class B2 (General Industrial) and Class B8 (Storage & Distribution) and gate house building, including details of access, appearance, scale, layout and landscaping Pending
    P/2018/00376 Creighton Cottage, Creighton Lane, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AX – Erection of single storey side and rear extensions PERMITS
    P/2018/00355 Land to the West of Uttoxeter, A50 Bypass, Uttoxeter, ST14 7RB – Construction of a spine road with associated drainage, electricity sub-station, gas governor, earth works and landscaping PERMITS
    P/2018/00080 Waterloo Farm, Uttoxeter Road, Beamhurst, Uttoxeter, ST14 5DY – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to planning permission P/2013/01530 erection of a detached factory building together with associated offices, delivery, storage and despatch facilities and associated lorry, visitor car parking, security gatehouse and sprinkler tanks, associated drainage, bunding and structural landscaping without compying with conditions 10 and 11 commencement time scale to extend the time frame to allow for the lighting and external venting details to be agreed by the LPA PERMITS
    P/2017/01057 Land At Hollington Lane, Stramshall,Staffordshire – Retention of a chicken coop PERMITS
    P/2017/00496 Proposed Barn Conversions, Hollington Lane, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5ER – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form two dwellings REFUSED
    P/2017/00736 The Barn, Vicarage Drive, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5DL – Erection of a single storey extension on east elevation APPROVED
    P/2017/00672 Walnut View, The Orchard, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AY – Felling of one Walnut tree TPO 51 Consent Granted
    P/2017/00490 Queensville, Hollington Lane Stramshall ST14 5AJ – Erection of single and second storey front, single storey rear and first floor side extensions, increase in ridge height above existing dwelling and garage to form additional living accommodation and includes installation of dormer windows to front and rear Approved
    P/2017/00363 Saplings Barn Strines Farm Uttoxeter Road Beamhurst Uttoxeter ST14 5DZ – Extension to existing stables building to comprise of 4 stables, hay store and tack room together with formation of manege including erection of fencing and 6 x floodlighting columns Approved
    P/2017/00051 Land opposite Old Wood Farm, Hollington Lane, Stramshall – Retention of shipping container used for storage of implements for agricultural use Approved
    P/2016/01536 Mill Farm St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU – Listed building application for the conversion of agricultural building to dwelling including retention of single storey extension Approved
    P/2016/01525 Mill Farm St Michaels Road Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5DU – Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling including retention of single storey extension Approved
    P/2016/01439 Trippyhills Farm, Hollington Lane, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5ET – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling Withdrawn
    P/2016/01160 Mill Farm, St Michaels Road, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5DU  – Listed Building Consent for internal & external alterations which include internal layout alterations, installation of rooflights and alterations to the fenestration on all elevations. Approved
    P/2016/01159 Cropwell House, High Street, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AL – Erection of a single storey side and rear extension Approved
    P/2016/00961 Hare and Hounds, High Street, Stramshall, ST14 5AL – Continued use of former public house as bed & breakfast accommodation with ancillary bar and restaurant. Approved
    P/2016/00744 Trippyhills Farm Hollington Lane Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5ET – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling Withdrawn
    P/2016/00665 Eaton Villa, 11 Broomyclose Lane, Stramshall – conversion of existing attached garage to form a single dwelling Approved
    P/2016/00613 1 Church Farm Close Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AL – Erection of a detached garage Approved
    P/2016/00405 Cropwell House High Street Stramshall Staffordshire ST14 5AL – Change of use of agricultural land to form part of garden including erection of 1.2m high post and rail fence Approved
    P/2016/00404 Cropwell House, High Street, Stramshall – felling of one Holly Tree Approved
    P/2016/00384 1 The Croft , High Street, Stramshall, Staffordshire, ST14 5AG – Erection of detached garage/workshop Approved
  • App refAddress/DescriptionStatus
    P/2024/00501 Byre Barn, Highfields Farm, Abbots Bromley Road, Willslock, Staffordshire, ST14 8NH – Application under Section 73 to vary Condition 4 relating to joinery details and remove Conditions 9 (satellite dishes), 10 (gates, walls and fences) and 11 (external alterations including windows) attached to the planning permission CU/11532/005 for the conversion of existing agricultural buildings to form 4 residential units Appeal
    P/2024/00066 Pied Finch Farm, Abbots Bromley Road, Willslock, Staffordshire, ST14 8NH – Erection of a single storey side extension Permits
    P/2022/01464 Hanging Wicket Farm Scounslow Green Road Scounslow Green Staffordshire ST14 8RD – Formation of Pond including ground source heat pump and septic tank Pending
    P/2023/00429 Top Moor Farm, Abbots Bromley Road, Willslock, Staffordshire, ST14 8RA – Conversion and alterations to existing outbuilding to facilitate conversion to an annexe including the erection of a single storey side extension PERMITS
    P/2020/00635 Coppice Farm Hobb Lane Marchington Woodlands Staffordshire ST14 8RG – Erection of 2 No. additional poultry sheds with associated control room, heat exchangers, feed bins & hardstanding, formation of a 1.5m high soil bund, landscaping and expansion to existing drainage attenuation pond on an established poultry farm (AMENDED SCHEME and ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) Pending
    P/2023/00138 The Beeches Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ – Prior Approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling GIVEN
    P/2022/01173 The Beeches Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ – Prior Approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling REFUSED
    P/2022/00658 Bankside Abbots Bromley Road Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NH – Erection of single storey and first floor side extensions, single storey and first floor rear extensions, rear conservatory and front porch PERMITS
    P/2022/00180 Knightsfield Cottage Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NL – Installation of a waste treatment plant to replace septic tank and erection of gates PERMITS
    P/2020/01430 Greenacres Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ – Replace existing shed with a steel framed lean-to building PERMITS
    P/2020/01429 Greenacres Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ – Erection of an extension to existing agricultural shed to house livestock PERMITS
    P/2020/00635 Coppice Farm Hobb Lane Marchington Woodlands Staffordshire ST14 8RG – Erection of 2 additional poultry sheds with associated control room, feed bins & hardstanding. Formation of a 1.5m high soil bund and expansion to existing drainage attenuation pond on an established poultry farm (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) Pending
    P/2020/01310 Greenacres Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock ST14 8NJ – Erection of a detached double garage with office above PERMITS
    P/2020/00635 Coppice Farm Hobb Lane Marchington Woodlands Staffordshire ST14 8RG – Erection of 2 additional poultry sheds with associated control room, feed bins & hardstanding. Formation of a 1.5m high soil bund and expansion to existing drainage attenuation pond on an established poultry farm Pending
    P/2020/00663 Woodford Park Farm Moisty Lane Marchington ST14 8JY- Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling to replace existing temporary dwelling PERMITS
    P/2020/00224 Highbarrow Residential Rest Home Toothill Road Uttoxeter ST14 8JT- Erection of a single storey extension to provide two additional bedrooms and en-suites PERMITS
    P/2020/00213 Holly Hayes Farm Holly Lane Kingstone Staffordshire ST14 8QD – Prior approval for the conversion of two agricultural barns to form two dwellings Pending
    P/2019/00761 Highbarrow Residential Rest Home Toothill Road Uttoxeter Staffordshire ST14 8JT – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the variation of Condition 4 of planning permission P/2013/00722 relating to the erection of a single storey front, side and rear extension to form additional accommodation and facilities for existing residential care home relating to materials PERMITS
    P/2019/00228 Greenacres Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ Formation of a stone access track and extension to existing agricultural building to create a safer and more spacious living area for cattle (Phase 2) PERMITS
    P/2019/00245 Greenacres Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ- Formation of a stone access track and extension to existing agricultural building to include a feed storage area for cattle (Phase 1) PERMITS
    P/2018/00565 Swallows Barn, Highwood, Uttoxeter, ST14 8PR – Erection of a single storey side extension and relocation of existing window PERMITS
    P/2018/00148 Quee Lane Farm, Quee Lane, Willslock , Staffordshire, ST14 8RB- Formation of a manege for private use PERMITS
    P/2017/01484 Land Adjacent Cox Bank Farm, Cullamore Lane, Willslock, ST14 8NJ- Erection of a single storey extension to the south elevation PERMITS
    P/2017/01294 Woodlands Farm, Moisty Lane, Marchington, ST14 8JX – Erection of a replacement two storey rear extension and entrance porch on east elevation PERMITS
    P/2017/01047 Land at Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire – Erection of an extension to an agricultural building to house livestock and feed PERMITS
    P/2017/01044 Dove View, Moisty Lane, Marchington , ST14 8JY – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the construction of a 5.1MW Solar Farm with ancillary development including solar panels and frames, inverter cabins, switchgear enclosure and metering point and security fencing without complying with Condition 7 of planning permission P/2016/01551 dated 18/01/2017 relating to the photovoltaic arrays and associated cabinets hereby permitted shall be dismantled and removed from the site and the land reinstated to its former condition and agricultural use by the 11th September 2041 or immediately following any consecutive 6 month period of non-operation, whichever is the sooner Pending
    P/2017/00856 The Beeches, Cullamore Lane, Willslock, ST14 8NJ – Erection of a building for the storage for silage and hay PERMITS
    P/2017/00857 The Beeches, Cullamore Lane, Willslock, ST14 8NJ – Erection of a building for the storage for silage and hay PERMITS
    P/2016/01693 Newlands Farm Lane From Netherland Green To Highwood Crossroads Netherland Green Staffordshire ST14 8PP – Prior approval for the conversion of an agricultural building to form a dwelling Refused
    P/2016/01551 Dove View, Moisty Lane, MARCHINGTON, ST14 8JY – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the construction of a 5.1MW Solar Farm with ancillary development including solar panels and frames, inverter cabins, switchgear enclosure and metering point and security fencing without complying with Condition 7 of planning permission P/2016/00429 dated 11/07/2016 relating to the dismantling and removal of photovoltaic arrays and associated cabinets and land reinstated following any consecutive 6 month period of operation or immediately following the expiration of 25 years and 6 months from the date of commissioning dated 11th March 2016, whichever is the sooner Approved
    P/2016/01373 Forge Cottage, Holly Lane, Kingstone – Demolition of existing agricultural building and the erection of a detached agricultural building Approved
    P/2016/01372 Land south of Hobb Lane, Marchington Woodlands – Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling in connection with the adjacent approved poultry unit with all matters reserved Withdrawn
    P/2016/01271 Highbarrow Residential Rest Home, Toothill Road, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8JT – Erection of a detached building for overnight accommodation for staff members Approved
    P/2016/00952 Quee Lane Farm, Quee Lane, Willslock ST14 8RB – erection of a stable, storage shed, demolition of animal sheds, change of use of cow shed to form garage and office ancillary to existing farm house and formation of an access track Approved
    P/2016/00817 Land adjacent Cox Bank Farm Cullamore Lane Willslock Staffordshire ST14 8NJ – Conversion of barn to an agricultural workers dwelling, erection of a two storey extension and relocation of the access Refused
    P/2016/00429 Dove View Land South of Moisty Lane Marchington Staffordshire – Application for the variation of condition 6 of planning permission P/2014/00825 dated 15/10/2014 for the erection of 13 No. Pole mounted CCTV cameras Approved
    P/2016/00204 Dove View Land South of Moisty Lane Marchington ST14 8JY – amendment to previous planning application – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a Minor Material Amendment for the construction of a 5.1MW Solar Farm with ancillary development including solar panels and frames, inverter cabins, switchgear enclosure and metering point and security fencing without complying with Condition 2 of planning permission P/2014/00825 dated 15/10/2014 by way of final designs and details for the equipment Approved
    P/2016/00192 Land opposite Knightfield Farm, Cullamore Lane, Willslock, ST14 8NJ – erection of agricultural building to store hay and straw and use as isolation pens for sick and new animials Approved