Photo montage of villages

Stramshall facilities

Stramshall Village Hall                           

Vicarage Drive, Stramshall, ST14 5DL


Regular Activities include Pilates, Zumba Gold, Short Mat Bowls, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Garden Club.

  • Secretary: Pat Cliff
    07973 478444
  • Booking Secretary: Fay Phoenix
    07710 971263

The current committee and other information about the village hall is available on the following website

Stramshall Playing Field

Stramshall Playing FieldStramshall Play AreaThe facilities available include swings, slide, climbing frame and junior Football Pitch

Creighton Lane, Stramshall, ST14 5AX

Stramshall Allotments

High Street, Stramshall, ST14 5AG

If you would like an Allotment, a waiting list form is below for residents to complete.

URPC Allotment Waiting List Application Form – updated 07.12.2021

Stramshall Village GreenStramshall Village Green

Vicarage Drive, Stramshall, ST14 5DL
which includes a micro Library in the telephone box

Spath Village GreenSpath Village Green

Stramshall Road, Spath, ST14 5AE

St Michael and All Angels Church

St Michaels Road, Stramshall ST14 5AH

Stramshall Church  Stramshall Church Window Stramshall War Memorial Sgt Buxton Medals Sgt Buxton Grave

Stramshall ChapelChapel

The Open Bible Fellowship.

High Street, Stramshall, ST14 5AL





Bus Service for Stramshall – First Direct Bus – – No 32 travels to Uttoxeter and then to Hanley